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Even MORE New Items on the way!

Evening all, hope the weather where you are is better than here in mucky old Blackpool! Just a quick one to celebrate the return of Riconeid's superb sculpting back to the webstore shortly - his work is excellent, and will provide a well needed boost to some of the loyalist ranges, specifically the Ultra Knights, Blood Knights and the Templar Knights, as you can see below.

We're also still up to our necks in photographing the printed kits, to provide a better sense of what exactly you're getting when you buy from us. With 650+ items in stock (at this moment in time), this is proving to be a marathon....

Lastly, we've managed to make up another 5 of our 'mystery bits bags', which are a random selection of bits and parts - NOT misprints like some other stores, just excess bits - that weigh no less than 90 grams, all for the price of a takeaway! These usually prove popular so don't hang around if you want one, click here to secure yours -

That's all for now, told you it was a quick one!

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