Happy Easter! We've been busy over the weekend rolling out a new search option on the website and as you read this it should be live - now you can search by chapter for the bits you need, from either the front page or the menu at the top of the page. This helps our customers find what they're looking for, and it helps us recognise which chapters are lacking in parts so we can expand our range in the right directions. *While we haven't fully ordered the parts by chapter at time of writing, we'll be making it our top priority to get it finished.
See that picture? ^ Marta Punkgirl's excellent sculpting work? Well stay tuned, as we hope to be able to reintroduce a substantial part of her range during April - as soon as we get the go-ahead, be sure we'll let you know. She may even also have a superb range of Female Sci-Fi Knights that will become available at the same time.....(heresy, we know).
Finally, we're on Tiktok and Instagram, so give us a like if you're so inclined. As a 40+ year old man, finding myself making Tiktoks has induced a near-fatal level of cringe, but it's a really good way to spotlight new bits and kits, so I'll have to grin and bear it. *I will however no longer be using my real voice, which should be a relief to any who suffered through THAT particular Tiktok!
Happy Hobbying.