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Slow Runnings

Evening all, these last few weeks you may have noticed slightly slower service & response times than usual - for that, I can only apologise. The last few months have been, both personally and professionally, THE worst of my life, and unfortunately some of that has bled over into work. I am sorry. To put things in perspective slightly, I'm now the 3rd oldest surviving member of my family....I'm 42 years old..... No pity party here though, just an apology for the delayed response times and an acknowledgement that we need to do better. And we will. Looking to the future, we have an absolute tonne of new items that are being tested, sorted and rendered to go into the store, and I would advise checking back every day or so to make sure you don't miss out on anything. We'll also be doing a slight rejigging of the website soon, to make things a little easier to find. Finally you may have seen us on Tiktok lately - it's an awful feeling to be a middle aged man posting on Tiktok! Needs must though, so if you're active on there feel free to drop by and give us a follow or a like. PS - For our fantasy fans, I'll leave you with two pictures that might stir your bones - both upcoming from the superb talents at Highlands Miniatures (although I believe the Chaotic Dwarves are still a way off).

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