Evening all, as the title suggests this is not gonna be a happy blog post. You may or may not be aware that in a few weeks time, new directives come into force for any items sent from the UK to the EU and NI - directives that will eat up an enormous amount of time for each and every item we sell (800+ and rising all the time) and incur extra costs that we just cannot absorb as we are right now. I've spent all summer trying to both figure out what the new rules entailed, and then a way to enforce them without the massive time sink and cost that would incur - to no avail sadly. This has left us no choice but to suspend (as there may be updates/walk backs on these rules for small sellers) any and all sales to the EU and NI as of December 1st. This means that there are 10 days left if any of our EU customers wish to place a final order, although we're starting our Black Friday event tomorrow, so worth waiting until the morning at least.
On a brighter note, December will see the return of the DakkaDakkaStore items, along with Bitshapers redemptor dreadnought kits, and hopefully a new range of APC/tank doors and armour kits.
DakkaDakka's 'Scylla Stormwave' ^ makes an excellent proxy for an Alpha Legion Contemptor
Once DakkaDakka and Bitshapers have been added to the existing ranges, we have no plans to add any extra creators to our line up for the forseeable future. This will allow us to rejig some of the listings, for better value either monetarily or in-game (or both!) and give us chance to reorganise and rename where necessary, followed by upgraded render images and actual real life pictures for each and every listing. An enormous undertaking but one which will, when complete, give us a much nicer looking product list. In the meantime, please feel free to continue to ask us about custom orders - we've had some crackers this year, including one of our Discord members (shoutout Crombie!) requesting what I can only describe as 'a mental breakdowns' worth of massive tanks' including a Land Raider-type vehicle printed at 140%......
Have YOU ever wanted a rhin....APC that looked like it could actually fit a 10 man squad inside?!
As mentioned earlier, our Black Friday event will start on Thursday morning and run until midnight on Monday 25th November - I'd love to make the offer better, but we're already the cheapest bits makers by a country mile.... As we get closer to Christmas I'm almost positive there'll be another small sale, before the *last posting date of 16th December, so if your hobby money is already allocated for Black Friday don't worry, you'll have another chance.